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Common Utilities for Java

Find OS on which jvm is running

jlibs.core.lang.OS is an enum.

This enum contains values for each type of OS. for example: WINDOWS_NT, WINDOWS_98, LINUX, SOLARIS, MAC etc…

import jlibs.core.lang.OS;

OS myos = OS.get();

On my laptop, it prints MAC

you can also check whether your os is windows or unix:

OS myos = OS.get();
System.out.println("isWindows: "+myos.isWindows());
System.out.println("isUnix: "+myos.isUnix());

On my laptop, it prints:

isWindows: false
isUnix: true

When your OS is not recognized, OS.get() returns OS.OTHER

There is another usefult method which might be required rarely.

String osName = System.getProperty("");
OS os = OS.get(osName);

This might be handy, if your app is distributed and and want to find out the os of other JVM process